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Men's Ministry

FHCC Men's group meets every other Thursday evening at 6:30 eastern


Women's Ministry

Welcome to Titus 2 Women! A new and improved Christian Women’s Group.

This women’s group will be unlike most that you may have been a part of in the past! The main requirement for being a part of this group is that you have the desire to be conformed into the likeness of Christ. With that said, we will NOT be going through a specific book or topic in this group. Yep, you read that right!

“So, what are we going to be doing?” You ask…

Well, I have put together a resource list for you to look through and to pray about. Then, you decide what area of study that you feel the Lord is working on within you; maybe you want to better understand prayer, maybe you want to dive deeper into the Gospel, or maybe you’d like some biblical encouragement on parenting or becoming a biblical woman/wife…. Whatever area that you feel led.

Each woman will then do her own personal daily studies in her chosen area at her convenience, and we will meet bi-weekly to discuss and share what we are working on, something that stood out during the past week, and how we are applying what we are learning.

The goal of this women’s group is to meet with like-minded believers to glorify God and grow in a deeper relationship with, and knowledge of Him.

Why do it this way?

In my experience, when a small group goes through a specific book, the attendance dwindles quickly. We get caught up in a life of utter busyness and so if we miss a week, we can fall behind and sometimes feel like we can’t catch up or keep up so we quit going. Doing the group this way will allow for those busy lives to miss a week if/when needed and not be behind at all. This will also open up the opportunity for the group to invite more women! Can we say “discipleship”?!

For more information and dates, call or text Tiffany at 618-553-1164 or Lora at 812-617-5672 and join our FB group here: 

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Children's Ministries

FHCC holds children's church  for preschool to third grade every other Sunday during service. The opposite Sundays, children are upstairs during service. 

Middle and High School Youth group meets every other week on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm eastern.

Sport's Ministry

FHCC has a very active group of people wanting to be involved with the community while staying healthy. We have an Adult Softball team in the spring.


Softball - Ralph Connor


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